Al-Ameen Fixed Assets System

The assets are included in the fixed assets, as they constitute the funds attached to the organization’s work and its effectiveness, and the fixed assets are acquired with the intention of investing, not with the intention of selling, for example, cars that the business owner buys to transport goods, real estate, lands, buildings, and tools.

Fixed assets (with the exception of lands) have a limited useful life after which they stop producing or after which their production deteriorates to the extent that they cannot be used. During the years of service of these assets, these assets may gain some value as a result of some additions (modernization, added parts, other improvements) or may lose part of their value as a result of the loss or removal of parts of them, or they may undergo multiple maintenance operations. Thus, it does not retain the same value that it possessed at the beginning of its useful life, and it has its own expenses.

For example: in sports clubs, you might estimate the useful life of a sports equipment at 10 years, during these years you can fully invest the device, add some improvements to it (such as a pressure gauge or a screen…etc), or remove parts of it. After ten years, this device will become unusable.

Al-Ameen program helps users to deal with these assets: defining them, entering their values, estimating their useful life, calculating their depreciation, and following up the changes that get their values ​​as a result of additions, exclusions, or maintenance operations.

All of these processes are accompanied by powerful reports and tools that ensure complete control of everything related to your assets.

Assets are processed in terms of recognition, consumption and operations on the asset by:

fixed asset card
Sub parent card

Cards for operations on assets, including:

Add-on card
Exclusion card out
Original maintenance card
Depreciation notes
Original output note

There are also a number of asset reports in the program, which are:

Asset operations report
Fixed assets report
Groups depreciation ratio relative to branches

The software provides asset system maintenance.

Fixed asset accounts


Professional software for fixed assets

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